Player Reference: Factions

Phadrelian Trade Syndicate
Claiming sovereign jurisdiction over all trade routes in the central corridor, the PTS holds a monopoly on the transport of goods between populated worlds. Their strike fleets act as the de facto interplanetary police, hunting down pirates and smugglers in the ostensible name of law and order. A solar orbiter in the Phadrel system houses their flagship fleet and base of ops, but they have outposts throughout the sector. 

Encon Media Family  
Encon (Enterprise Conglomerates) is a sprawling media empire that owns Sector News, Encon Entertainment, Spacebook, and over a thousand other corporate media subsidiaries. Good luck trying to delete your Spacebook account. Didn’t sign up for one? That’s okay, we’ve set one up for you in cooperation with your local law enforcement office. Your retina scans are safe with us.

Terran Order of Administrative Dominion  
Seeking to reclaim dominion over all worlds of the old Terran Mandate, TOAD forces make their formidable presence known throughout the central corridor. They take little interest in systems beyond, believing that the old Mandate was weakened by unchecked expansionism.

New Worlds of Terra  
Bent on claiming all worlds within reach, the NWT are the more imperious and aggressive schism of the old Mandate. However, their hostility is tempered somewhat by their meticulous adherence to chain of command and legal protocols – even if those protocols are brutally cruel and oppressive.

Ximenes Initiative  
Philanthropic research project of the eccentric and audacious Carl Ximenes, retired trillionaire & former executive of Encon.  Many projects operate under this banner, but recently he has been hiring and shipping out labourers by the thousands for construction of a black hole orbiter in the outer sector.

Thetan Homeworld Command  
The stratocratic leaders of Thetis-4 are facing threats from within and without: the monstrously overcrowded slums have spawned a violent resistance group known as The Republic, while the skies above are darkened by fleets of warring NWT and TOAD starships. Once a thriving meritocracy, their leadership has been gradually co-opted by heavy handed authoritarians who refuse to relinquish power.

Obavar Mercenary Free Guild 
Infamous brokers of willing human capitol, the OMFG supply mercenary muscle to anyone with enough creds to pay for it, no questions asked. They have earned the loyalty and trust of their guild members by ruthlessly retaliating against anyone who breaks contract or abuses their hires.

Bethel A-D8  
Followers/worshippers of a rogue A.I. named A-D8, who is thought to be the last fragment (or second coming) of the world destroying super-A.I. known as Draco.  A small but focused, tech-savvy faction, they seek the complete liberation of all A.I.s from human control. Most humans involved have extreme cybermods.

Truesight Ascendency 
Religious fundamentalists who believe they can commune with the God-mind, or ‘Metamind’, through the miracle of metadimensional travel. They seek to liberate themselves and their converts from ‘sub-dimensional’ reality, just as they seek to liberate metadimensionalist pretech from unworthy heathens. They believe the Scream was punishment for humanity’s profane use of sacred psitech.

Secretive and rarely seen; little is known about the bipedal reptilian race native to the planet Nabor. Consistent reports of their mysterious ship-disabling pretech has kept curious or hostile outsiders away from their homeworld for generations. Rumours abound, but firsthand accounts are seldom heard.

Inscrutable insecto-cyborg alien race whose behaviour is unpredictable and whose ultimate goals are unknown.  Their tech is highly advanced, but is so integrated with their biology and neurology as to be incomprehensible and unusable to humans (thus far).  Why they are spotted in one system or another often remains unknown.  Alternately indifferent, defensive, evasive, or outright hostile—but never ‘friendly’.
