Player Reference: Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge: 
• You may have heard of Earth, but it is so lost to time and distance from where you are that there’s no particular reason to care about it.
Sentient aliens are uncommon, and range from near human to unrecognizably exotic.
Roughly 1 in 10,000 people are Psychics, capable of producing paranormal effects by manipulating metadimensional energy.
Cheap Postech starships travel to adjacent systems in a 6 days. The best Pretech starships can cross 6 systems in the same span.
Given centuries of isolation, many human colonized planets are now abandoned ruins waiting to be scavenged. Others are populous, but unrecognizably alien, transformed by their unique circumstances. 
Even strong governments have a short reach. Anyone outside of immediate civilization likely sees to their own defense.
Adventuring life is dangerous, but opportunities abound. Organizations of all kinds commonly rely on talented freelancers to do dangerous and specialized jobs they can’t or won’t perform themselves.
Some forms of technology, called Maltech, are widely considered vile and forbidden:
    Unbraked A.I.s
    Tech that directly enslaves or controls human beings
    Tech that can destroy or blight entire planets
The ‘Central Corridor’ is a matrix of connected worlds that have maintained a thriving trade and communications network, while the ‘Outer Rim’ systems are much more isolated and lawless.
‘The Network’ is a decentralized, corridor-wide communications array consisting of tens of millions of NetLinks, which are basketball-sized drones spread ubiquitously throughout the central corridor. 
• Drill rudders, media channels, com channels, a highly regulated ‘interweb’, and a heavily encrypted ‘underweb’ are accessible from almost anywhere in the central corridor, Although a few thousand NetLinks have been deployed to various reaches of the outer rim, they are few and far between, and those that haven’t already been sabotaged may still take a long time to relay data back and forth to the nearest NetLink in the array.

Tech levels:
0 - Stone Age
1 - Metal Tools, Domesticated Labor, Animals

2 - Fossil Fuels, Mechanization, 1800's or so
3 - Electronics Information Technology, Primitive Space Travel
4 - Postech: Spike Drives, Lasers, Cybernetics
5 - Pretech: Transhuman Control of Biology, Physics, & Energy
